My BOOTCAMP is free. You will leave a professional psychic.
Thank you for visiting ESPbootcamp.com. This is the page where updates can be found. Please introduce yourself in the comment section below.
I'm promoting this Boise free seminar on How Make 6-Figures As A Working Magician, starting from scratch. You will be a professional psychic when you leave bootcamp the next day.
We're expecting a 7-Figure SEO guru to speak on How The Church of The Sub Genius teaches powerful business lessons they won't teach you in a Harvard MBA.
This is a Free 1.5 Day Seminar and I want you to bring $500 cash. Why the cash? Because either at the end of the day you give somebody a psychic reading or that $500 of yours goes to charity.
I will provide the psychic desiring public, wanting a reading. You give somebody a ready that they have paid $10 to receive and you get your $500 cash back.
YOU CAN DO THIS... Let me explain how. You must be willing to invest $25 in yourself...
Before you arrive in Boise please have listened to this 80 minute CD, Lee Earle's Gentle Art of Cold Reading the prices range from $19-$30. If they have a comment section, please tell them you are buying the CD for ESPbootcamp.com so we get more like-minded folks.
If you can see yourself doing this, we will practice on each other, we will have fun, we will support each other and that evening we will be doing psychic readings and raising money for drinkable water.
January 31 is my birthday.
ESP Bootcamp is how I'm celebrating.
Come make magic with us.
think => Dr. Ben Mack
Order your CD Lee Earle's Gentle Art of Cold Reading from
any of these vendors.
Hey Ben
Sounds like fun!
Scott Paton
Hi Ben,
Looking forward to seeing you in Boise 1/31/09
Ben, I'm very interested. Boise is a LONG drive from here - especially in the winter, so I will need to think a little more before I decide. Maybe we can talk about it on the cruise.
Hey Ben,
This sounds like a crazy experience, lots of fun, and for a good cause!!
I'm scheduled to move out on the 31st of Jan, but I'm quite sure I can plan around it, and come to this event. I definately want to be there!
Hey Ben,
I met you at hogan's 2007 boot camp. would love to come to your event.
I am on board for Boise, ID at the end of next month with $ 500.00 & I will have done my due dilligence homework. Thank You, Bill Poteet, BillPWBE@gmail.com
Yes. I want to be there.
Hello Ben,
I have been with you since I read Poker without cards.
I watched an amazing video you sent and in the interview there was talk of being a mutant which I understood and being a magician.
Is your ESP Bootcamp about raising consciousness to the magician level, or is it something different?
I would love to come to your bootcamp but cannot at the moment.
Is it on your schedule to visit England any time soon?
All the very best.
OKAY! I just figured out how to do it and I will be there, too! This will be great fun!! I am looking forward to absorbing all your secrets that I can!! Do we get access to the DVDs afterwards??? (please, please, please!!)
P.S. Already have the CD and have started listening to it. Very interesting stuff!
Oh, you bastard. Idaho? You would bring us something this tempting and cool and do it in Boise? You are too cruel, Mr. Mack.
Anywhere on the west coast and I'm there. I need this camp. I'm doing shows and marketing for surrealist vaudeville occult rock shows right now, and I need what you have to teach. please put me on any mailing list for workshops you have.
Ben, I will attend. Am about to place an order for the Lee Earle CD., search my flight to Boise and log on to my www.couchsurfing.com account to see who in your town is willing to host a Soon-To-Be-Magickian : )
Just awaiting confirmation that I responded on time to secure a seat.
Many Thanks!
Hey Leo,
if you want to split a room with me, i've already got a room booked at a great rate at the hotel right downtown that ben suggested. let me know.
Anyone that wants to split a room with me shoot me an email
at bielby.paul@gmail.com I have a room with 2 queen size beds at the hotel ben suggested.
Hey Ben,
Sat in front of you today at the Insider Circle event. I am intrigued to say the least - count me in.
Blake Warrington
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