Monday, February 8, 2010

Tellman Knudson, mensch

Tellman Knudson is a mensch in my book. When I met Tellman Knudson in 2004, he was broke and I was a recently discharged advertising executive. I was about to take my 2nd job as a senior vice president at a prestigious ad agency. I made the mistake of writing the man off as a kook. The previous time I did this was to Jason Oman. I met both Jason Oman and Tellman Knudson at a Mark Joyner seminar. One of the things Jason & Tellman have in common is that within 6 months of me evaluating them as kooks, they both catapulted from broke to self-made-millionaire.

Tellman's pressence was felt at the Mark Joyner & Gary Halbert fusion seminar of 2004.

Eight months after I first met Tellman, I was re-introducing myself to him on a teleseminar, interviewing Tellman about the keys to his success. He had made $1.2 million since I first met Tellman and his lovely and talented wife Jodi.

Tellman is a HUGE fan of super heroes and he often appears to me as a mortal Super Man.

My getting to know Tellman has been one of the greatest business educations of my life. Tellman taught me how to support myself when I dropped out of a Ph.D. program at Rensellear Polytechnic Institute. When I moved into the neighborhood, Tellman invited me into his in-home mastermind. The construct for masterminding I teach, now available for free here, is an evolution of the masterminding technique I learned from Tellman and his friends and family.

All of this is friendly. I use the word mensch to describe few people. I'm not painting Tellman as a saint. He and I have frustrated each other to the Nth degree, but I want to go on public record of championing his recent efforts, and how inspiring I found Tellman...


Thank you Tellman.

Before I extoll the virtues of his mortal attempts at a Herculean task, I want to share with you dear readers what impressed me the most with Run Tellman Run, I'd like to share with you why Tellman is a mensch in my book.

Tellman is the only Internet Marketer I have ever seen over pay affiliates, pay them on time and with whom I trust his accounting more than my own. I have seen Tellman's affiliate tracking system break during a teleseminar so he paid that JV partner for 100% of the sales that came in that night when surely a high percentage would have come in from Tellman's list because he wanted to overpay to ensure he paid all of what he might have been was supposed to. Everytime a check is scheduled to come from Overcome Everything, it came on time. Of all the Internet Marketers I've teamed with where monies came into their bank account, Tellman's is the only time the money split worked as expected.

When it comes to Run Tellman Run... I enjoy reflecting on the herculean task Tellman undertook... running across America barefoot.


Anybody who can't see the value in his public challenge for himself won't see the value of this blog either. What Tellman embodies is a unstoppable faith in what he can overcome. A crippled kid who was regularly beat up for being too smart attempts to run barefoot across these United States for charity.

Tellman made it to West Virginia. Some will criticize his lack of completion. I salute his start.

Anybody who can't see the value of a great start won't see the value in book recomendation here either.

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