IRA = "I Require Attention"
You can be an eCommerce store owner, in time for the Christmas rush, if you are willing to not be an IRA, guaranteed! The 48 minute audio below details exactly how and you deserve success for your efforts.
This is a free call, among the many free training calls I'm currently conducting around Masterminding and how The 1-Hour Mastermind can accellerate you in your business, regardless of if you are a complete newbie or a seasoned veteran self-made-millionaire.
There is POWER IN THIS CONSTRUCT. You want to hit play while you read this blog post of mine.
But first, let me get something off my chest...
Pardon me if I don't always give away my time as some see fit. You see, civilians and business colleagues that DEMAND my attention often appear to me as my sister did when I was a kid and my childhood playmates felt compelled to create a club house baring the sign "No Girls Allowed" as in the Saturday Evening Post cover shown here.
Entrepreneurial business success is often about optimizing time. Here's the deal, if you and I can set a business deal and stick to those business parameters I am far more likely to do business with you again. Otherwise, I'm sorry, I'm too busy. It's as simple as that! I became an entrepreneur so that my time is my own and I don't have a boss.
If you want to do business with me, we need to either keep our original agreement, or the RARE times when life happens to such an extent we must change our deal, that we can quickly and efficiently unravel the difficulties and move on.
Recently, I have chosen to let go of a barter deal where a famous self-made-millionairess because she simply seems to not be willing to post what she agreed to. Okay, so it goes. Live and learn who we can happily do business with. And, pardon me for going off on a rant here, but recently people aren't paying me what we agreed I would get paid, by the time they agree to pay me. ARG!
If you are serious about getting your online store done... The Interview I did last night with Female Marketer X is for you. And, this is a No IRA's Allowed opportunity if you know what I mean. Is there a refund policy? Yes! If you follow her instructions for 3-months and you don't have a profitable online store, with an income you can see building, She'll refund you every penny you paid her as soon as you take down your store. Not only that, you can drop out of her course after the first month, admit defeat and there will be no hard feelings. We all know life happens.
If you have been waiting for a no-excuse Guru to reveal her authentic keys to success, revealing to you here step-by-step instructions on how to replicate her success and why you can believe you will be a store owner in time for the Christmas rush if you want, this is a 48 minute investment you deserve to make in yourself.
LISTEN NOW by pressing PLAY
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Why am I so Anti-IRA's right now? Thank you for asking... The story is in the fine-print... Last night at 10:56 PM, I get a text to my cell phone, my most personal and intimate communication device, interrupting some well earned quiet time with my now known publicly girlfriend, Female Marketer X. This seminar producer is saying that he's ready to pay me if an attendee from his event is actively participating in a $997 3-month mastermind of mine. NOT ACCEPTABLE. The deal was a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy. This seminar producer is holding onto money I used to see as mine. No longer. It is worth it to me to forfeit my 50% $498.50 commission then want to engage in a conversation that appears to me as out of integrity. Seriously.
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