Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pyschic Personality Test

Answer 2 simple questions...

Please comment on the accuracy or lack there of that you
read on your personality below in the comments.


JT said...

I ended-up at B-4,"The Artist". Uncanny! I can't disagree with one word of this assessment. It all quite accurately applies to me.

Now, I just have to find a way to channel and discipline these few savant attributes I possess in a way to bring profit to others, and thereby ultimately to my family and myself!

Shane Butler said...

Too small to read the results in that little window.

Unknown said...

Hae Shane...You can blow the page up in a pop-up...

I Got D-4, The Executive.

A fun and entertaining experience.

Thank you Ben.


Unknown said...

I got A-3 the Engineer. That was a pretty cool test.

KasiaTurajczyk said...

I am The Artist pretty well the truth. I am impressed with this test. Only two issues to answer and you get such accurate results.
Well done Ben.

Batman said...

B4 it is, however, I may have been influenced by previous answers :)

Wryan J. said...

consigliore.. eerily accurate. especially the part about the emotionally erratic parent. bravo!

Ben Mack said...

Thank you friends for trying out my Psychic Personality Test. This test was inspired by the compassionate teachings of Bob Cassidy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,

I ended up at B-1. It seems I'm a Magician, but I was never aware of the fact until just now!

Thanks for the insight Ben.


Batman said...

Took this again, and got B1. Strange....