Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Abbey, you gotta come...

I'll gift you a set of Eva May psychometry bags.

Friends, in what ways might Abbey ethically get out of work on Saturday and will it be worth the effort for her to experience ESP Boot Camp?

Abbey, If you come on Saturday and you don't want to come back Sunday I will give you $230 THAT'S HOW MUCH I KNOW YOU NEED TO JOIN US on our journey becoming executives psychics together.

FRIDAY NIGHT WE'RE WATCHING MARY HICKS on Letterman as we witness Bill Hicks getting his Swan Song, finally allowed to tell his joke the censored over 15 years ago.

Seminar starts 9:45 AM on Saturday, January 31 and goes through to 1pm, Sunday, February 1st... Doubltree Riverside Boise. FREE SEMINAR, please RSVP

David Letterman is a class act. It feels like a birthday present to me and Abbey I want you to come celebrate Butterfly Marketing's 3rd Birthday, her million-dollar-birthday, a great day in Internet Marketing history. Come celebrate with us. Now is the time to get your plane ticket because the seminar price is free. Please RSVP

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