Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Win a Kozik Psychic Bunny of your own!

If you create the winning book cover design... You will get your very own Psychic Bunny!


Ben Mack said...

Okay Jesse Carter, it can be in color... JUST NO SATURATED COLORS.

Book Cover design assignment for a souvenir booklet to be printed on cream linen paper, a PDF for a small business owner to print in their home computer printer.

BOOKLETTE Cover=> Psychic Rapport Party

Party Game Booklette COVER design

* I'm teaching psychics how to make money with an in-home show called Psychic Rapport Party and this booklet is the guest's souvenir.
* Have you ever gone to a friend's house for a magic show or an ESP Party? Fun, right. I'm teaching folks how to demonstrate their psychic talents in a fun 45 minute living room show.
* This BOOKLET COVER will be their souvenir of a night where they FELT PSYCHICALLY CONNECTED with their friends and they learned how to use a pendulum.
* I am seeking cover design for a downloadable PDF to be printed out on home computers that goes along with a new party game called Psychic Rapport Party
* I would like to buy cover and then discuss possibility of hiring you to design a comprehensive communication system of business card, letter head and 2 posters.


Ben Mack said...

If you would prefer cash of a Kozik Psychic Bunny, then please see here...