Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ESP TeleMixer Replay

ESP Boot Camp TeleMixer 05 Jan 2009 Replay
[Running Time - 1:44:30]

To Download: Right Click on link below and Save Target As (IE) or Save Link As (Firefox)


Chris Titan said...

The NeuroScience of Tarot was am awsome segment. I was sharing it with Mick Blackwell, my Tarot Psychic Friend, over the tele-phone. He is not that internet savy but he is very interested in learning how to make money helping people with his Tarot insights. He is stay home Dad who wants to make money when the kids are asleep.

And you may have seen Agent Delphi...
My Space

If you are interested in Agent Delphi he could use some MySpace friends.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ben for the opportunity to work together, and for the opportunity to chat over here at the mixer!

Sounds like a great weekend, sorry couldn't be there,


Sam Knoll said...

I am sorry to have missed the weekend. I am sure (based on what I've heard here and all Ben puts out and facilitates) that it was fascinating.

Onward & Upward!

Sam Knoll

focuzdlife said...

What an interesting telemixer it was. Listening to docparker was definitely cool and thought provoking.

When it came time for questions, my blurting out of a domain name without prefacing/explaining properly what it was all supposed to be about caused Ben to draw the wrong conclusion about it.

I let it go to learn other lessons that I would not have learned had I not been nervous and bumbled the introduction of the idea behind guruslap.com. Just listening to Ben's reaction was a shock and threw me off, too. This was also a lesson: maybe I should try to choose domain names that need no explanation.

Maybe if I hadn't met the man personally at Pat O'Bryan's Unseminar5 and know that he really is a nice guy and he cares about others, I would have been vexed, offended or even hurt.

Ben is truly a marketing/branding genius and although he can sometimes seem rough and edgy (maybe even rude to some) there are many helpful insights to be had by sticking around and listening to what he has to say.
