Friday, November 6, 2009

How to THINK like an eCommerce marketer...

BONUS AUDIO INTERVIEW with Audrey Kerwood at bottom of this blog post...

Please mark your calendars for
9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific FREE
Click => How to Think Like an eCommerce Marketer <= Hear Audrey sing.

Who else remembers the Dr. Pepper song?

Hear Audrey Kerwood sing "The MARKETING SONG" lyrics below...

Remember when Dr. Pepper TV commercials starred Dr. Pepper Models singing and dancing about what it feels like to "be a Pepper."

Well, being her own boss makes Audrey FEEL all peppery...

I think like a marketer and I'm proud.
I used to feel alone in a crowd.
Now if you look around these days...

There seems to be an "I'm a marketer" craze!

I'm a marketer, He's a marketer, She's a marketer...

We're all marketers.

Wouldn't you like to be a marketer too!

Hear Audrey Kerwood sing that hear => http://AWAKENDmarketing.COM

What's the "How to Think Like an eCommerce Marketer" teleseminar really all about? In a word, magic. Marketers have the ability to make something out of nothing. How you use your magical skills is really up to you.

We all realize NOT all marketers are the same!

WARNING: This call is only for Awakened Marketers.

Have you noticed that any marketer pushing harder than you is an A$$HOLE while any marketer not making as much money as you is an idiot? It can appear that way often to me.

George Carlin explained this phenomeon in terms of driving... "Ever notice how on the freeway anybody driving faster than you is an a**hole and EVERYBODY going slower is an idiot?!"

The key is to drive at the speed you feel most comfortable...

Sunday Secrets => http://AWAKENDmarketing.COM

How is this a catalystr to your eCommerce store?

Have you ever noticed the difference in MINDSET between a successful eCommerce Marketer versus most Internet Marketers? Most people who call themselves "Internet Marketers"
appear to me as rushing from marketing event to event. Sure they make brief spurts of gravy, but what they do one day often actually undermines their future profits!

What works for me is going slowly, making incremental improvements that build on each other.

Join us Sunday => http://AWAKENDmarketing.COM

TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS RARE INTERVIEW WITH AUDREY KERWOOD... Listen now by clicking player below=> Come absorb how she thinks like a marketer today by clicking play as i interview my beautiful fiancé Miss Audrey Kerwood...

Can you Hear it on this computer's speakers of?

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