Saturday, February 27, 2010

"I FORGIVE… I forgive my self for mistakes I have made...

I also forgive others who have hurt me in the past so I can move into the future with a clean slate." ~ Carnegie Welcome

Here's the simple 5-Step process of The 1-Hour Mastermind, the acronym C.R.E.S.T.

We organize on teleseminars. There is a Mastermind Director who is either an active mastermind partner or a paid Mastermind Director, your choice. I don't provide or manage Mastermind Directors presently. However, you can easily find one in The 1-Hour Mastermind Ning group.

Mastermind director begins the weekly 1-Hour meeting by reading the same words Andrew Carnegie read in his own mastermind.

Step 1) C - Carnegie Welcome

I RELEASE… I release myself to the mastermind because I am strong when I have others to help me.

I BELIEVE… I believe the combined intelligence of the mastermind creates a wisdom far beyond my own.

I UNDERSTAND… I understand that I will more easily create positive results in my life when I am open to looking at my self, my problems and opportunities from another's point of view.

I DECIDE… I decide to release my desire totally in trust to the mastermind and I am open to accepting new possibilities.

I FORGIVE… I forgive my self for mistakes I have made. I also forgive others who have hurt me in the past so I can move into the future with a clean slate.

I ASK… I ask the mastermind to hear what I really want; my goals, my dreams and my desires, and I hear my mastermind partners supporting me in MY fulfillment.

I ACCEPT… I know, relax, and accept, believing that the working power of the mastermind will respond to my every need. I am grateful knowing this is so.

Step 2) R - Round of Gratitude


Step 3) E - Everybody Gets 7-Minutes

The Mastermind Director monitors time and inspires contributions from Mastermind Partners as Everybody Gets 7-Minutes.

Within each Mastermind Partner's 7-Minutes, each Mastermind Partner...

A) States Yes or No as to whether they accomplished last weeks S.M.A.R.T. Goal.

B) States a category for their question.

C) Mastermind partners asks a question.

PLEASE NOTE... Asking a question that begins "How might I ____?" or "How else might I ___?" Are great starters. Most beginners want to give way more context and story at first, and as they get comfortable with the group, they become much better at asking for what they really want and need to move forward faster.

Step 4) S - State your S.M.A.R.T. Goal

The Mastermind Director asks each Mastermind Partner for their S.M.A.R.T. Goal.

S Specific
M Measurable
A Action
T Timebound

Learn about eliciting tight S.M.A.R.T. Goals on replays of training in our 1-Hour Mastermind Ning group.

Step 5) T - The Closing

The Mastermind Director thanks hir Mastermind Partners, likely reminding their partners that they are meeting the next week at the same time.

Then, the Mastermind Director reads the words Andrew Carnegie used to close his own mastermind...

I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that the MasterMind shall supply me with an abundance of all things necessary to live a success-filled and happy life. I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God and my fellow human beings, to live in a manner that will set the highest example for others to follow and to remain an open channel of God’s will. I go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement and expectancy.

Get the full $297 course for free on replay in our 1-Hour Mastermind Ning group.

Friday, February 26, 2010

"You can't negotiate with insanity." ~Richard Bandler

Neuro Linguistic Programing is a style of ontology, the study of being.

Listen to the folks around you... the words they use reflect their inner states. When somebody uses militaristic words, they are often filled with unbridled fear. When somebody uses all livingry words, they tend to be a trustafarian or a trophy wife. A healthy balance between the two creates a middle ground.

In POKER WITHOUT CARDS, I discuss two frames of mind I label Attacan & Nacirema. I was exploring how these two patterns of thought affect the users of these thoughts.

Thinking about thinking gets precariously close to mental masturbation. I'm an advocate of multiple-braingasms, however you get them. Any way you want it, that's the way you need it. Beware, constant mental masturbations leads to isolationistic behaviors and inattentional blindness.

"Humans studying memetics is like a fish studying water, we’re inquiring into the invisible currents surrounding us."
~Howard W. Campbell

My study of ontology began while reading Zen & The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Persig.

My study continued while I was an ontology major at Bennington College, where I wrote my undergraduate thesis on How Patterns of Thought Affect Behavior, but my thesis paper was rejected and the college was done with me, so they said my work to date merritted a degree. Thank you Bennington.

My study of ontology lead me into consumer research, then advertising. In both industries, The American Marketing Association gave me national awards for my accomplishments.

However, I found myself rejected by Advertising when BBDO fired me for incompetence, three-weeks after I was the lead strategist on a $23mm winning piece of new business, RaceTrak. I agree, I was incompetent at keeping my mouth shut in the presence of eXetreme Loopholery. Nor, was I okay with my boss repeatedly calling me a heathen. That wasn't cool of him. I was the fifth Director of Account Planning in a row that he fired. I was a putz for thinking $180,000 salary + bonuses was a fair trade for his tirades. The court-reported transcript of Me with BBDO's lawfirm is a worthy read. They wanted to sue me, denied. I showed up alone, without an attorney, and I wish I could sue them for the experience.

I dropped-out of RPI's Ph.D. program in Media Studies because of a lot of reasons. I wish RPI had posted their take on Media Ecology before I got there. I'm grateful for the language I learned as a doctoral student. I learned enough of the doctoral dialect to co-author the Journal of Qualitative Research Journal article with Dr. Livingston, the journal's president.

When B.J. Fogg invited me to speak at Stanford's Computers As Persuasive Technology conference, then uninvited me, then asked me what it would take to get me to come out, I didn't take well when he laughed in my face when I said, "An honorary Masters would do the trick."

My confidence began to grow when I dropped-out of RPI and Tellman Knudson mentored me, built me a list and set me up with my own media lab of over 35,000 double-opt-in subscribers.

Suddenly, I had an audience. Academia diminishes the role and importance of access to audiences and the ability to create your own audience on demand. The hegemony has always had accesss to an audience. They appear to me as undervaluing the genius of Tellman Knudson who has mastered the craft of list building.

Tellman also inspired me to more formally study Neuro Linguistic Programming, also known as NLP. I studied NLP with Richard Bandler, one of the original two co-creators of Neuro Linguistic Programming. I am an official co-creator of NLP, as is everybody who is a Bandler certified practitioner. That's how a technology works. Those that are working the technology are co-creating the technology because technology is organic and growing.

Dr. Richard Bandler explains, "NLP is an attitude that happens to leave tools in its wake." In order to see this perspective, you see humans as the conduits of the growing organism called NLP, a meme-plex in the language of Dr. Susan Blackmore.

Dr. Bandler instilled a confidence in me to help others. Within 30 days of becoming an NLP practitioner, a woman sought my help. She heard I was helping people let go of fears and phobias. When I said yes, she requested I help her let go of a 45 year grave fear of water, what appeared to me as Post-Tramatic-Stress-Disorder from having started to drown when she was six-years-old. This woman had spent 12 years in psychotherapy, but her nightmarish visions of drown got worse, not better. In less than 45 minutes, she was free of these visuals. I helped her let go of her fear, and the visuals evaporated. There were witnesses. This was at a dinner following a day at UnSeminar in Austin, TX.

What happened next in my life is a blur... I could recount moving 7 times, but much of those details won't move this thread along. Suffice it to say, I chose not to be a professional healer for a number of reasons, the most important was that I wasn't consistent at state management. I got brittle helping clients let go of their traumas. Try helping somebody difuse the energies of having seen men burnt alive when you were four. The day after I helped a client with that I passed-out asleep unexpectedly and slept for 7 hours, waking up ten minutes before a teleseminar. I did the teleseminar fine, and I realized something important...

Clients coming to me for NLP tended to need basic business coaching, and those coming to me for business coaching all seemed to have some MAJOR trauma they needed help letting go of.

To make a long story short, I didn't feel competent in my skills until I started calling myself a Media Ecologist. Thank you for consuming this think piece, now think peace.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

who else remembers Wag The Dog?

Pardon me for mixing metaphors between beacons, big fish, dogs and tails. The tails go with the dog metaphor. And, if I can make this mixed-metaphor make sense for you... You'll learn how to flip a switch that turns your content into a powerful traffic magnet for your online stores.

"Why does a dog wag its tail? Because the dog is smarter than the tail. If the tail was smarter, it would wag the dog."
~Wag The Dog, movie trailer

Unless you are buying media by the hundreds of millions of dollars, you are an underdog in today's mass media. Marketer and author Adam Morgan calls underdogs Challenger Brands. Entrepreneurs have Challenger Brands. Adam Morgan wrote the seminal book on challenger brand strategies.

If you are like most entrepreneurs, you feel a constant need to get smarter, because you are a small fish trying to eat the lunch of the big fish. Eating The Big Fish is a worthy read, if you are a reader.

Here's one of the eight credos Adam Morgan explains as a profitable strategy for challenger brands, by being "The Beacon" to their prospects.

Being The Beacon means that with a single touch your prospect hears you reflect their needs, wants and desires. eCommerce store owners have been doing this with article marketing for years. Getting smarter about being "The Beacon" just got easier.

Good news! Getting smarter doesn't need to involve studying or writing better. Getting smarter is as easy as using smarter tools.


Traffic Magnet
Ross Goldberg.

Before I begin this blog, for the record, the link below is an affiliate link where I get a sales commission if you buy. Also, there is no business connection between WagTheDog.TV and the movie of this same title. Fortunately for me, you can't copywright a movie or book title.

"The Beacon" metaphor detailed below is from Eat The Big Fish: How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders by Adam Morgan. Now let's get smarter together... My fiancé and I just got Ross Goldberg's Traffic Magnet and we want you to come learn along with us hear <= click, then enter password: beacon Last summer I co-created a product with Ross Goldberg we called Wag The Dog.TV

WagTheDog.TV = Ben's Branding + Ross' Software and we sold it for $297.

Everyone was happy. Literally, we had zero refunds. Ross will correct me if I'm wrong on that. I'll ask him tonight on a Q&A call we're doing tonight, Thursday February 25, 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific <= Click there and use password: beacon WagTheDog.TV taught eCommerce store owners how to wag more, and bark less. What this means is that you get more attention paid to your article marketing, you get more eyeballs on your videos and you get more distribution of your multi-media content submissions.

Ross Goldberg & I are media ecologists. We are traffic experts. Ross specializes on leveraging how to say things where, and I specialize in what gets said. What we gave our customers was what to say and how to get the word out there using Ross' semi-automated software.

Something exciting has just happened! Ross has upgraded his software to a new cloud platform and he's practically giving it away at $37. This is a no-brainer. So much so, that Audrey and I are willing to pay you for your time if you test-drive the software and you don't see increased traffic.

WAG THE DOG = Smart Marketing

What this means to you is that you can be the beacon for your niche customers. Being the beacon means that you are the obvious solution for fulfilling their needs, wants and desires.

Look, we all know you can't be all things to all customers. Smart marketing means you leverage your unique points of difference, speaking directly to the needs, wants and desires of your target audience. That's what your Legend Platform gives you, your 3-reasons-to-believe that prospects will get the glory story they buy. Ross has a training program for a $60 upsell where you get our $297 Wag The Dog.Tv course as a free bonus.

WAG THE DOG = The Beacon

How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders...

Adam Morgan says to Become The Beacon.

Beacons are Idea-Centered. Your communications are keyword optimized because your brand is keyword optimized. Once you discover the focus a legend platform gives you, you will see just how much farther you cast the rays of your brand's Beacon.

Beacons are lights of safe harbors, where you customers feel safe in not only coming, but sending their friends and touting how much they adore your store. Beacons attract new customers in a single touch because your target audience feels as though you are speaking directly to their needs.

If you are like most eCommerce store owners, you already have that safe harbor, what you need now is a way to get your beacon's light to be seen by more folks! You need more traffic.

Your Beacon = Your Content + Traffic Magnet

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To Me: Magick = DENIED Temporary Autonomous Zone

Note to self, see people for how they act.

OBSERVATION: Some people will flat-out lie. To the extent one can be radically financially successful and be addicted to flat-out lying regularly astounds me.

JESUS TAUGHT ME: Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Dr. Christopher Hyat taught me to get off my moralistic high-horse and figure out how to enjoy what I got. I prescribe the video below only for those of solid constitution. The inttelctually squeamish may perish during ingestion.

eXetreme EDUCATION: Crispen Porter used TAZ architecture, and it worked. Sure, I teach people to make their customer the hero. That's step #1. Step #2 is create your branded temporary autonomous zone.

The structure of an Alternate Reality Game, an ARG, is to create a Temporary Autonomous Zone, a TAZ. A TAZ is what R. Buckminster Fuller called a pattern integrity in his 1964 classic Synergetics: "Pattern Integrity is when a pattern has integrity independent of the medium by virtue of which you have received the information that it exists." ~R. Buckminster Fuller

Bucky reminds us, "Don't fight forces, use them." This is similar to the coaching Brian McLeod gives me when he tells me to go sideways, or the coaching I get from Candadian designer Bruce Mau when I read Massive Change.

Here's the deal, there are two rules to puppet-mastering an ARG. Rule #1, if asked if it is a game, always reply verbatim: "This is not a game." Rule #2, there are no other rules.

I'm fine with folks throwing whatever Alternate Reality Games they want, except to the extent I feel them peeing in my meme pool. This is why I teach branding. Because helping more people get more effective with their communications decentralizes power which difuses the hegemony. I think we can all agree fascism is out of style, right?

So, how do you effect change? When we change how people think, we automagically change how they behave. Some people call this science magick, others call it behaviorism, others call it philosophy, some call it Religion. Use whatever meme you see fit.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." ~R. Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller's 1964 definition of a "pattern integrity" is curiously similar to many current definitions of a brand: --If we replace the word ‘pattern’ with the word ‘brand’ we create the statement: "A brand has an integrity independent of the medium by which you have received the information that it exists." A brand has an integrity independent of the product, product name, product logo, advertisements, or any other brand accessory. Branding is how you birth new ideas into existence and how you steward their adoption.

Branding can be a cooperative sport or a bloddy battle. You bring your reality style to the memes you propagate, and the memes you propagate lead you down rabit holes of your reality style. Call it manifestation, Bucky called us humans recipricating toruses.

Poker Without Cards was an inquiry into power. If there were a moral to that story, it is a marketing Truth, iT's worth testing. I'm just sayin'

Magic Without Cards is an inquiry into love. Love is metaphysical gravity. Love is of human bondage. Love is the answer. The alchemical answer is Love THEREFORE Love.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Account Planning = Media Ecology

In advertising, the account planner often shows you a new way to look at numbers.

We are living in exponential times. Grock this...

Media Ecology is the study of memetics. I was not a model media ecologist... gar

gar ...nor was a model account planner!

"As a result of [Poker Without Cards],
Ben will never work in advertising again."

-Douglas Rushkoff Author of Coercion; Cyberia; Media Virus
JV with Audrey & me

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Idiot Problem

The first time I was squeamishly uncomfortable during a presentation about THE IDIOT PROBLEM was in 1992 when I was taken into a back room of a Richmond, Virginia local John Birch Society club house... Their recruiting video showed 12-pound tomatoes being grown in a heightened C02 atmosphere, stated that greenhouse effect is a liberal plot against American farmers, and appeared to me more like science fiction then a documentary. According to those Virginians, if we pumped enough Carbon-DiOxide into our atmosphere famrers would make about 12x their current profits. What's not to LOVE? If it weren't for the fricken idiots there wouldn't be a need for Farm Aid.

17 Years Later...
THE IDIOT PROBLEM still exists! Fellow travelers, if it weren't for The Idiot Problem the world would be a happier place. Recently, I was coaching a woman who makes multiple-six-figures a year as a life coach for rich people. She's making way more money as a coach than I am presently. She said the secret to her success is reminding her clients that they are entitled to be happy. She firmly believes, and repeatedly espouses, "If everybody were a little bit happier, so many of the world's problems would simply evaporate." I can't argue with that 'logic.'

What I will argue with is the misnomer that having words in your head is thinking. Words going through your head is called sub-vocalizing, or thoughting. Thinking is a word I reserve for actively redirecting the flow of your thoughts instead of simply going along for the ride. I regularly work on my own thought patterns, building infrastructure, tearing down facades and turning off my monkey brain, or what creativity experts often call our reptillian mind of feed, f*ck or flee. My work on myself makes me more agile and effective with some specifically measurable forms of thinking. Those measurement tools get tricky. So pardon me if I side-step contelligence, multiple intelligences and homotelligence.

Can we all agree there is an Idiot Problem? Why are there so many idiots? Where do they all come from and why can't they see that they're idiots. That's the real problem isn't it, that idiots don't know their idiots! If the idiots would simply defer to smarter people, so many of the world's problems would simply evaporate!

"That was the difference between [Valentine] and the idiots of the world. They were all trying to look smart and keep their social standing. Whereas Valentine didn't care about social standing, she cared about getting it right... But of course a world with no idiots would be lonely."
~Orson Scott Card,
Ender in Exile, pgs 8-9

Orson Scott Card suggests that any plan that doesn't start with what to do with all the idiots is doomed to fail because there are so many of them. Orson's Valentine Card to the Universe is a young woman who strategizes on saving Spaceship Earth by starting a plan with what to do about THE IDIOT PROBLEM.

Getting it 'Right'
The stakes are higher than they've ever been. Humans are harvesting Spaceship Earth in ways that concern all but those who know are expecting divine intervention. I'm not saying that won't happen; I am acting as if the Universe will behave as she has always appeared to, largely indifferent to what we call pain, amazingly sympathetic. Energetic sympathy is a topic on which I rarely speak anymore. Suffice it to say that separating myself from my experience of the Universe is like attempting to separate a story from the story-teller, they are indellibly interdependent. Can we all agree that observation changes what is observed? For real, if we can't agree on this point I won't make sense to you.

Anybody who has never found themselves up against a confederacy of dunces has never forwarded a progressive agenda. There is a righteousness required to forge your idea through idiot infested waters. You see idiot gate-keepers all around you. The mindless words they spew are self-replicating viruses called memes. In other words, the words and gestures that got them their job, will spawn another generation of babblers as they select to hire people just like them. What we're left with is a culture of employees who are really good at getting jobs and appear to me as horrible in terms of getting things done.

So, today... I'm working on The Idiot Problem.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

sufficiently advanced technology

In advertising, my skill-set was a technology they call "account planning." Some folks called me Wizard, a friend of mine is called Jedi. We got these names because we could show folks a small little tweak, that inspires a new way of grappling with a strategy. Some say it is all just smoke and mirrors.

Truth, Lies & Advertising
by Jon Steel

Account planning is one of the least understood additions to hit American advertising since Doyle Dane Bernbach's Volkswagen campaign. Clients shake their head and wish they had approved something that made so much money.

Agencies fall all over each other to recruit account planning Jedis and arm themselves with what Jay Chiat of Chiat/Day once described as "the best new business tool ever invented." Is it, as Chiat suggested, merely a tool for attracting new clients? Or is it, as many critics have suggested, black magick?

Account planners make agencies more money. They craft the over-arching story used in new business pitches. Despite this importance, account planning remains shrouded in mystery.

Account planning emerged as a tool to foster human bondage to named products sold at a premium. While most researchers attempt to dissect consumer behavior, extrapolate trends, and cash-in, Steel advocates case-studies of best-practices.

Jon Steel reveals how successful account planners work.

Steel draws on his experiences like "got milk?" among many others you would call truly classic.

The message of this book is that well-thought-out account planning results in better, more effective marketing and advertising for both agencies and clients. And also makes an evening in front of the television easier to bear for the population at large.

"[Account Planning is] a discipline that for some time has been misunderstood, misused, and maligned by most agencies and clients in the U.S. So, run it up the flag pole, put it to groups, check it against the norms, the answer is the same—Truth, Lies, and Advertising should be read by anyone who has to make or approve advertising." —Rick Boyko, President, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy & Mather, New York.

Jay Chiat called account planning: "The best new-business tool ever invented."

Account planning is a newly coined discipline that combines aspects of marketing, becoming the first inter-disciplinary advertising discipline.

In Truth, Lies & Advertising, Jon Steel provides advertising professionals, marketers and fnordian researchers with practical tools in the form of stories that have literally reshaped the ad industry, and the monies they direct.

Management 101: Elephant Handling

Throwing The Elephant: Zen & The Art Of Managing Up
by Stanley Bing

Fortune magazine columnist Stanley Bing process-maps an effective strategy on how to manage your boss.

Elephants are powerful or they aren't elephants. Elephants regularly see whatever happens to them as an equity or blessing, suddenly realizing that something was the best thing that could happen for them.

Elephants have an uncanny ability to see almost everything happening for them, not to them. They often simply do not see things that aren't serving them in that very moment. Forgive them, they see not what they do. Being angry at an elephant is like being angry at the ice caps for melting, it does nothing constructive and doesn't change what's happening.

If you have a patron, you have an elephant. If there is a room full of people and you can't spot the elephant, it's you. You are likely more of an elephant than you give yourself credit for. Bing writes, "That you are willing and able to do actual work gives you incredible power over a creature that by no means wishes to ... do any."

Unless you suffer from The Curse of The Competent and you feel morally obliged to always be working, this book will help you get powerful people to champion you. This is not a get-rich-quick book, but a book on how to manage a boss or patron.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hegemony & other reasons why I am an entrepreneur...

Hey Ellwood, this blog post you are currently reading is an unbridled endorsement of Jasper Fforde's recently released novel Shades Of Grey, which my fiancé Audrey Kerwood gave me for my birthday. In his distopian future, Fforde depicts the hegemony as enforcing dominance on the basis of color perception. WARNING: Pookas once seen might lead you down a rabbit hole.

Click here to buy now because THIS IS NOT AN AFFILIATE LINK. That's how much I want to explicitly demonstrate my whole-hearted endorsement of this instant classic.

Shades Of Grey paints a ruling class-structured society, post decline. What remains is a deteriorating shell of infrastructure, The Corporation has become the collective culture. Munsell is The Name, and His society usually rewards whoever is cleverer with loopholery.

Follow the money. The infrastructure required to sustain a society based on cleverness is what Fforde paints. To my mind's eye, Jasper Fforde's society works fluidly. He shows me the dynamics required to sustain the greatest show on Spaceship Earth, the marketing of Reality.

In Jasper Fforde's Shades of Grey, your status in life is tied to how much color you see, and a conspiracy to manufacture consent withing a color-ocracy, a consent on a heirarchy measured against your ability to see color and loopholery.

The first ripple of memes through the ecosystem I saw swarming around avant garde reviews of Shade Of Grey comparing Jasper Fforde to George Orwell. A second wave of memes, albeit much smaller, compared Jasper Fforde to Herman Melville, teasing that Fforde was torturing his readers on the nuances of ruling class ettiquette the way that Melville educated his readers on the nuances of whaling. So it goes. If I had better chops for that sort of thing, I'd compare Him to Vonnegut. The third wave of reviews I'm reading now compare Jasper Fforde to Karl Marx. This interests me greatly.

Read this Marx and then I'll explain why...

“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force…The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships…”
--Karl Marx, Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas

Marx wrote this essay Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas a few years before his legendary Communist Manifesto, a book I have never read. However, as a memeticist I am fascinated by the semantics of the era. Please note, I am using semantics to mean "the change of meaning over time." Consider these ideas as archeology of thought on the birth of hegemony.

Because it was about this time that the word HEGEMONY was born. Poof, a new perception of world order dawns on the masses. A perception some say was a previously tightly guarded secret. Beware, there are fnords amongst us.

I devoured this book. I don't want to give away spoilers by mistake.

I hold that the sustainability questions Jasper Fforde raises are an important missing puzzle piece in a lot of different discussions around resiliency. I asked Dave Lakhani about how the hegemony might engineer two-groups, encompassing more than HALF of the population, these two groups calling each other idiots. How might the ruling class manufacture this fluid stasis?

Don't think of an elephant.

Topologists are asking, "what makes fluid ecosystems statically indeterminate?" I think we need to spark that discussion before we can better grock in what ways might we make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest amount of time, without disadvantage to anyone.

To this end, I've been making an inquiry into Magic.

To your resiliency,


~Dr. Ben
as in
Benjamin Garth Siddhartha Mack

"I hold that magic increase as we decentralize power."
~Howard W. Campbell
thank you for noticing me,
in an attention economy,
that's what makes my stock go up!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Awaken the Magician Within

P.T Barnum spread magic, the belief in magic and was a true believer in his own magic...

I believe in your magic, if you choose to be magician... I believe in your choice to abstain if being a non-believer comforts you.

The thing about magic is whether you choose to believe you are magical or not, you're right.

Now, may we discuss The Barnum Effect?

Learn more about P.T. Barnum in my documentary... The Pitch, Poker & The Public, directed by Chris Zubryd

You'll discover more of your magical knacks with two simple questions in my Psychic Personality Test

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ouroboros marketing

Ouroboros marketing - Recursive propaganda, constantly self-referential and often self-replicating, entails creating cycles that begin anew as soon as they end automagically.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tellman Knudson, mensch

Tellman Knudson is a mensch in my book. When I met Tellman Knudson in 2004, he was broke and I was a recently discharged advertising executive. I was about to take my 2nd job as a senior vice president at a prestigious ad agency. I made the mistake of writing the man off as a kook. The previous time I did this was to Jason Oman. I met both Jason Oman and Tellman Knudson at a Mark Joyner seminar. One of the things Jason & Tellman have in common is that within 6 months of me evaluating them as kooks, they both catapulted from broke to self-made-millionaire.

Tellman's pressence was felt at the Mark Joyner & Gary Halbert fusion seminar of 2004.

Eight months after I first met Tellman, I was re-introducing myself to him on a teleseminar, interviewing Tellman about the keys to his success. He had made $1.2 million since I first met Tellman and his lovely and talented wife Jodi.

Tellman is a HUGE fan of super heroes and he often appears to me as a mortal Super Man.

My getting to know Tellman has been one of the greatest business educations of my life. Tellman taught me how to support myself when I dropped out of a Ph.D. program at Rensellear Polytechnic Institute. When I moved into the neighborhood, Tellman invited me into his in-home mastermind. The construct for masterminding I teach, now available for free here, is an evolution of the masterminding technique I learned from Tellman and his friends and family.

All of this is friendly. I use the word mensch to describe few people. I'm not painting Tellman as a saint. He and I have frustrated each other to the Nth degree, but I want to go on public record of championing his recent efforts, and how inspiring I found Tellman...


Thank you Tellman.

Before I extoll the virtues of his mortal attempts at a Herculean task, I want to share with you dear readers what impressed me the most with Run Tellman Run, I'd like to share with you why Tellman is a mensch in my book.

Tellman is the only Internet Marketer I have ever seen over pay affiliates, pay them on time and with whom I trust his accounting more than my own. I have seen Tellman's affiliate tracking system break during a teleseminar so he paid that JV partner for 100% of the sales that came in that night when surely a high percentage would have come in from Tellman's list because he wanted to overpay to ensure he paid all of what he might have been was supposed to. Everytime a check is scheduled to come from Overcome Everything, it came on time. Of all the Internet Marketers I've teamed with where monies came into their bank account, Tellman's is the only time the money split worked as expected.

When it comes to Run Tellman Run... I enjoy reflecting on the herculean task Tellman undertook... running across America barefoot.


Anybody who can't see the value in his public challenge for himself won't see the value of this blog either. What Tellman embodies is a unstoppable faith in what he can overcome. A crippled kid who was regularly beat up for being too smart attempts to run barefoot across these United States for charity.

Tellman made it to West Virginia. Some will criticize his lack of completion. I salute his start.

Anybody who can't see the value of a great start won't see the value in book recomendation here either.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pyschic Personality Test

Answer 2 simple questions...

Please comment on the accuracy or lack there of that you
read on your personality below in the comments.