Friday, January 30, 2009

Butterfly Marketing's VIRTUAL 3rd Birthday PARTY... 1/31/09

Butterfly Marketing
Launched 1/31/06

Butterfly Marketing is based on the exponential trend of the viral exponent.

Who else remembers...

January 31, 2006

Butterfly Marketing Revolutionized
Membership Sites

Managed Content Sites!

With Butterfly Marketing, for the first time customers...

1. Prospects are automatically given 2 accounts...

2. Customers login

3. Customers receive the value on the inside with limited membership & option of upgrade / full access but limited in depth EVERYONE becomes your affiliate

4. They find a reason to promote your site (50/50 commission, a dome downline of affiliate income, more value on inside, sense of community, etc.)

5. CUSTOMERS come back OVER and OVER again

  • All members are addressed by his/her name in order to create a sense of exclusivity & community --> thus increases the building of your customer/member database
  • This works for ALL free eBooks, free newsletters & free content --> Make EVERYONE become members to access their free content
Mike Filsaime enabled me to myself doing this...
Thank you Mike!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bill Hicks is BACK on LETTERMAN

Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.” ~Bill Hicks

Bill Hicks' censored bit is on Letterman FRIDAY...

William Melvin Hicks
(December 16, 1961 – February 26, 1994)
Beloved American stand-up comedian...
Bill Hicks was a comedian in the 1980's and early 1990's who challenged mainstream beliefs, aiming to "enlighten people to think for themselves."[1] Hicks used a ribald approach to express his material describing himself as "Chomsky with dick jokes."[1] His jokes included general discussions about society, religion, politics, philosophy and personal issues. Bill's material was often deliberately controversial. In both his stand-up performances, and during interviews, he often criticized Media and popular culture as oppressive tools of the ruling class, meant to "keep people stupid and apathetic." (wikipedia)

FRIDAY NIGHT... January 30

David LETTERMAN will play Bill's censored bit.
Thank you Dave!

Letterman on Friday will be a historic show, the airing of the censored piece.

Censored...On October 9, 1993, Hicks was scheduled to appear on the Late Show with David Letterman for the twelfth time, but his entire performance was removed. See why! Bill Hicks' mother, Mary Hicks, will be on Letterman this Friday Night

Riverside Doubletree Lobby and/or Bar

Thank you Mr. Letterman. You are a class act.

Friends, Bill Hicks' last appearance on Late Night was censored. Dave is making it right this Friday.

"I'm gonna share with you a vision that I had, cause I love you. And you feel it. You know all that money we spend on nuclear weapons and defense each year, trillions of dollars, correct? Instead -- just play with this -- if we spent that money feeding and clothing the poor of the world -- and it would pay for it many times over, not one human being excluded -- we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever in peace. Thank you very much. You've been great, I hope you enjoyed it."

~Bill Hicks

Thank you Mary!

We miss and LOVE Bill.

David Letterman is Brave, appeasing the haunting voice of Bill that echoes in my head...

"See we just had a misunderstanding. I thought we lived in the U.S. of A., the United States of America. But actually we live in the U.S. of A., the United States of Advertising. Freedom of expression is guaranteed? If you've got the money!"
~Bill Hicks, on being censored from 'The Late Show with David Letterman'

“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.” ~Bill Hicks

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Childhood wonder is the first step in human wisdom...

"To best please a child is the highest triumph of philosophy. A happy child is most likely to make an honest man. To stimulate wholesome curiosity in the mind of a child is to plant golden seed. I would rather be called the children's friend, than the world's king. Amusement to children, is like rain to flowers. He that makes useful knowledge most attractive to the young, is the king of the sages. Childish laughter is the echo of heavenly music. The noblest art is that of making others happy. Wholesome recreation conquers evil thoughts. Innocent amusement transforms tears into rainbows. The author of harmless mirth is a public benefactor. I say, as the poet said of its ballads, if I might provide the amusements of the nation, I would not care who made its laws." ~P.T. Barnum

Abbey, you gotta come...

I'll gift you a set of Eva May psychometry bags.

Friends, in what ways might Abbey ethically get out of work on Saturday and will it be worth the effort for her to experience ESP Boot Camp?

Abbey, If you come on Saturday and you don't want to come back Sunday I will give you $230 THAT'S HOW MUCH I KNOW YOU NEED TO JOIN US on our journey becoming executives psychics together.

FRIDAY NIGHT WE'RE WATCHING MARY HICKS on Letterman as we witness Bill Hicks getting his Swan Song, finally allowed to tell his joke the censored over 15 years ago.

Seminar starts 9:45 AM on Saturday, January 31 and goes through to 1pm, Sunday, February 1st... Doubltree Riverside Boise. FREE SEMINAR, please RSVP

David Letterman is a class act. It feels like a birthday present to me and Abbey I want you to come celebrate Butterfly Marketing's 3rd Birthday, her million-dollar-birthday, a great day in Internet Marketing history. Come celebrate with us. Now is the time to get your plane ticket because the seminar price is free. Please RSVP

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Invisible Philanthropy... Marc Goldman goes Barnum!

I've been studying as much of Dr. Joe Vitale
as I can and in The Power of Outrageous Marketing
he's teaching me the value of contests!

Dr. Joe also reveals contest strategies in...
There's a Customer Born Every Minute.

Barnum LOVED contests and Marc Gold has just gone Barnum with a contest.

So, if you
name Marc Goldman's new...
Goldbar mascot
...then you win a 1 oz GOLD BAR
(Value today $940.00)

Here is how you play:

Step 1: Please visit

Step 2: Wait for the page to load and check out our brand new
animated mascot (loads in a overlay)

Step 3: Tell me what you think his name should be. Here is
how you do that: Either send an email to,
post a comment on my blog:
or if you use Twitter I am @marcgoldman DM or @ replies

Step 4: We will compile all answers and choose a winner on
Feb 1.

The deadline for entries is 11:59 PM Eastern time on Jan 31

Step 5: we send the winner a Genuine Gold Bar in the mail

Simple as that.

So - if you can really help us name our new friend - I would
greatly appreciate it.

Marc Goldman

PS This contest is open to all

Monday, January 26, 2009

ESP TeleMixer Replay

ESP Boot Camp TeleMixer 26 Jan 2009 Replay
[Running Time - 1:03:56]

To Download: Right Click on link below and Save Target As (IE) or Save Link As (Firefox)


Courtesy RSVP for ESP BootCamp

As hostess it would be delightful for me to have an estimated head count before Saturday so if you will be live, in person, in Boise, Attending ESP Boot Camp, would you be so kind as to share your intentions here:

(That's a ZERO not an OHH in case you're retyping)

Thank you :)


@SeanMarler ( was asking for a quick public way to connect with other tweeps interested in ESP BootCamp before the live event this weekend.

The easy way is to tweet "followme #espbc"

Click the above link when logged in to twitter then hit "Update"

then search twitter for that

(I chose followme as one word so it's unique)

The harder way is to post a comment here with your twitter link, but blogger doesn't make clickable links automatically in comments so ya gotta add the html & thats just ugly - I suggest the easy way!


1-218-486-1300 Pin 870675
on Twitter we'll use #espt

Saturday, January 24, 2009

ESP Contest... Win $1,485 Prize Package

Who else like to win FREE stuff...

ESP Contest
How Man Candy Hearts
First Winning ANSWER Wins
(or closest by 1/31, 10am BOISE)
Ouer grand prize winner receives a very special home study coursee

Psychic Millions
Everything you need to Become an Executive Psychic and earn $1 to $23 a minute as a telephone psychic

$897 DVD set ESP Boot Camp
$197 My First Reading LIVE teleseminar training starts 2/10
$297 Profitable Momentum
$ 47 The Relevant Truth
$ 47 The Bad A$$ Report

$1,485.00 Total Prize Package


1) Use your Intuitive Edge to guess the number of Candy Hearts in the jar pictured

2) Write a blog or a Twitter Tweet with your answer... AND A LINK Twitter entrants please use this link RT image link w/ your Executive Psychic intuition!

3) Blog entries Must link to this page AND in the comments below inlude the link to your blog post!

Two ways to enter: Twitter or Blog!

ESP Boot Camp attendees who attend the live event in Boise will all recieve part favors that include...

$197 My First Reading LIVE teleseminar training starts 2/10 $297 Profitable Momentum $ 47 The Relevant Truth $ 47 The Bad A$$ Report!

COME TO BOISE 1/31 - 2/1 TO HONE YOUR INTUITIVE PROFITS & SKILLS. See below for more details. Thank you for your participation in spreading our intuitive technologies. I am grateful for your energetic contributions. We're all on Spaceship Earth together. Let's co-create our instruction manuals.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm flying to Austin... 2 C Mr Fire!

I'm spending the weekend with Joe Vitale

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

why is CNN covering the explosive Psychic Industry?

When Fortune Tellers make the business section on CNN we know the economy has enetered a new media reality!!! CNN is actively covering the rapidly growing trend of the thriving psychic business. Here's the first CNN video clip on The Psychic Business.

To capitalize on this trend... I need psychics who will get paid approximately 50% of their billing fees. Do you want to come to my free seminar in Boise called:

FREE Seminar? You will have costs...
✈ tix Boise, less than $250.
☯sharing a $75 event-hotel room, less than $50.
Learning ESP from Dr. BenMack?

Buy ✈ tix Now

Monday, January 19, 2009

ESP TeleMixer Replay

ESP Boot Camp TeleMixer 19 Jan 2009 Replay
[Running Time - 1:05:10]

To Download: Right Click on link below and Save Target As (IE) or Save Link As (Firefox)


New Thought book cover $230 contest...

$230.00 Contest details every book get's judged by it's cover; I'd like your help with mine. In what ways might the bookcover to the right show a Living Room theatre? In what ways might the energy radiate in the shape of a heart or say LOVE?

GET the creative BRIEF
click the link please.

THANK You for your considerations.

~Dr. Ben

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ladies & Gentlemen - Mark Edward...

When you miss a Monday ESP BootCAMP Tele-Mixer, you're definitely missing out!

This past Monday, Dr. Ben Mack introduced a special surprise guest who has walked the walk and talked the talk in the "Professional Psychic" arena.

Listen in below to what Mark Edward brings to the coaching table. Then plan to make yourself part of the profitable conversation...

Click Here to Register for the Next Live Mark Edward Coaching Session

Click Here to Attend the Monday ESP Tele-Mixer hosted by Fun Diva Christy

Click Here for the Mark Edward Website

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

get The WORLD'S 2nd self-replicating-physical-brochure

Mike Morgan is flying into Boise on a Friday, 1/30 because he has to see The WORLD'S 1st & 2nd self-replicating-physical-brochure!

Attendees of ESPbootCAMP 1/31-2/1 in Boise
get the 2nd one with their names listed as a
co-author of the 2nd one entitled...

Psychic Rapport Party
Dr. Ben Mack

You leave Boise with a complete marketing system. You will be trained as an executive psychic able to make six-figures from the telephone sitting on your couch. There's actually two-completely different ways to make money we teach you.



The Founder of Advanced Nutrients, a man named Big Mike, sells 8-figures a year in fertilizer and he's flying to an ESP seminar in Boise because he needs to see The WORLD'S FIRST self-replicating-physical-brochure!

This is my million-dollar-idea and i'm giving it away freeing attendees in Boise 1/31 to have all the licenses for nothing.

The World's second self-replicating-physical-brochure is called Psychic
Rapport Party... the cover is just now being designed here... BELOW
so scroll down and explore.

Yeah, it is an ESP seminar and believers and non-believers are welcome and we
are going to work together on cooperative super selling.

Big MONEY Jerry! He's coming to BOISE!

You've heard of Jerry Clark... renown network scientist and network marketing coach is coming to Boise and Jerry is training us on how to do a living room show.

Boise. Russell Brunson? Boise. Dave Lakhani? Boise.
100+ Monthly Dan Kennedy meeting? Boise.

Highest incidence of millionaires-per-capita? IDAHO.

You should come here and breathe-in
the air more millionaires prefer...

Boise, Idaho. Come join our mastermind at


Ask you questions on our Monday night telemixer social... 218-486-1300
♡ Pin: 870675# ♡⁂♡ 6 PM Pacific ♥⁂♥ 9 PM Eastern

Or ask your questions on the blog. Certainly ask your questions on Tuesday night's Live training with psychic you've seen on TV like on A&E, Showtime, Discovery or The Learning Channel.

You may well recognize Mark Edward.
TUESDAY Mark is training us live again
and answering questions.

Click here now

Win a Kozik Psychic Bunny of your own!

If you create the winning book cover design... You will get your very own Psychic Bunny!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Learn The Truth about being a Telephone Psychic!

Meet Celebrity Psychic Mark Edward Tuesday night
click on the link below to get streaming audio instructions
to listen live...

Click Here To Listen In

8pm Pacific Vegas/Portland 9pm Mtn Boise 10pm Central Chicago 11pm Eastern New York

ESP TeleMixer Replay

ESP Boot Camp TeleMixer 12 Jan 2009 Replay
[Running Time - 1:19:15]

To Download: Right Click on link below and Save Target As (IE) or Save Link As (Firefox)


Sunday, January 11, 2009

2 ESP Money Making businesses... 1 SEMINAR

Executive Psychics have two primary ways of making money...

Long Distance & Local.
Between these two systems you can make an executives salary from your couch at home or in your neighborhood in any small to large town in America.

Long Distance brings in clients to a 24/7 psychic fair. We'll help you choose your oracle if you don't have one yet. We will help you craft your profile. We will get you up and ready for clients.

PSYCHIC RAPPORT PARTY is 45 minute in-home psychic demonstration that you will become trained and licensed to perform. Everybody attending ESPbootCAMP gets the performance rights to a full evening show with a suite of upsells and backends and the marketing systems to bring you paying customers.

Open Source Magick... January 31, 2009 Boise

PENT=> The Ziegarnik Effect is coming... Gar!

The Zeigarnik Effect...

Have you ever seen a magick trick that so opened your mind you had multiple braingams for weeks? Fantastik! The Zeigarnik Effect is perhaps the strongest jedi effect of which my confidence is quavering. I will attempt this awesome feat with zero promises of success. But first, a few words from one of our sponsors...

Let me not to the marriage of true minds

Admit impediments. Love is not love

Which alters when it alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! it is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

It is the star to every wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come:

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nor no man ever loved.


And now, back to the program... [ Jeff, please see comments to install subliminal programming for immersive gaming to take full effect, and to see most amazing card miracle you have ever seen in your entire life! because otherwise we are locked into Albania on ]

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Homework? Lee Earle's Gentle Art of Cold Reading--No Tax


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ESP TeleMixer Replay

ESP Boot Camp TeleMixer 05 Jan 2009 Replay
[Running Time - 1:44:30]

To Download: Right Click on link below and Save Target As (IE) or Save Link As (Firefox)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Memo: Tonight's Telemixer

Dear Executive Psychic,

Memo: ESP Telemixer dial-in instructions

ESP Telemixer at 1-218-486-1300
Pin 870675# 9PM EASTERN tonight
6pm Pacific & 7pm here in Boise.


Tonight's call is hosted by Vegas stripper @funDivaChristy and her guests include Old Catholic Priest @FriarWade, my mom's Brain Surgeon Dr. Charles Parker discussing Neuroscience marketing and me.

Famous MAGICKIANS & PSYCHICS are coming on!

You've been hearing about Mind Reading all over the place and tonight is when
you learn the Truth about the psychic industry and get your answers questioned.

ESP Telemixer at 1-218-486-1300
Pin 870675# 9PM EASTERN tonight
6pm Pacific & 7pm here in Boise.

Marlon Sanders wrote today...
" business is booming right now
and it holds a KEY for you to boom your
sales also.

The Psychic Business.

There have been a number of articles
published on news sites such as msnbc
about how the psychic business
is booming right now..."

CNN covers the rapidly growing trend of the thriving psychic business. CNN video on The Psychic Business.

I'm not selling you, I'm communicating in a way that keeps the muggles away.

To your prosperity,


Dr. Ben Mack

ESP Telemixer at 1-218-486-1300
Pin 870675# 9PM EASTERN tonight
6pm Pacific & 7pm here in Boise.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Boise weekend ESPbootCAMP

Hello Campers!
Happy 2009. We've made it here together.
to the year of commanding an executive's salary!

ESPbootCAMP installs simple confidence tools and a system to make you an executive psychic. Learn how to make an executives salary from your couch with Keen and how to have $500 nights with Psychic Parties. Here's what to expect...

When you arrive at Boise International Airport (BOI) you may be tempted to go skiing, mountaineering or driving to Yellowstone National Park. All are spectacular choices this time of year. Idaho is spectacular with a snow covering. If you can schedule an extra day, arrive 1/29 because 1/30 a bunch of us are heading out in a van. Michael Lovitch hired Dave Lakhani for consulting 1/30. Smart man. Dave & I have 2/2 open.

MOST CAMPERS arrive January 30-Leave after 2pm of 2/1.
ESPbootCAMP, the seminar for Executive Psychics.
Boise Riverside Doubletree Hotel.
Reserve now <$80 a night. Post in comments if you are seeking to share a room.

The Evening Of January 30 some campers will be drumming, other campers will have a $125 Sleigh Ride and gourmet dinner... Downtown restaurants & bars are a $4-$6 cab ride away or if you want to sleigh ride please email askMarkHorn-at-gmail. :-) Just email him "sign me up" there's a "Women's Art Show" art opening, a $3 cab ride away from Doubtree Like independent movies... you gotta have homemade soup & wine at FLICKS.

Scrumptious Fun...
Boise is famous for authentic Basque Cuisine... I recommend Basque Kitchen where from 4:30-5:30 they have $1.50 well drinks, $5 Hot Buttered Rums to die for and a $15 Salted Cod appetizer that is more sumptuous than the words salt or cod belie. Boise is filled with gems like this. That's one of 12 Basque restaurants. They each have specialties.

Get your Bad Ass to Boise, ID Doubletree Hotel
9 AM January 31, 2009.
Please dress for your kind of party.
Many Executive Psychics are coming in costume.

9 AM Registration
9:45 Doors Open
10 AM Doors Close. We have our campers.

10 AM ESPbootCAMP begins with me, Dr. Ben Mack performing my rapidly becoming famous "Psychic Rapport Party". Tomorrow you get FREE your Psychic Rapport Party Kits which includes EVERYTHING I use to produce and promote Psychic Rapport Parties.

This first morning is spent in teams learning how to give the satisfying experience of a Psychic Rapport Party.

Psychic Rapport Party is engineered for people to pay you $230 for an evening's entertainment that includes you selling books and small gifts that are easily crafted from your home computer. I give you what you need to make $230, or 500-$1,000 if we include your bookstore. I'm giving you a complete business-in-a-box. Psychics have been giving ESP Parties for centuries. They've been called Parlor shows, or a Performing Philosopher show. I give you a show to make you money. I give you all this. Seriously.

Before breaking for lunch we discuss how much money has been made in the room from

1 PM LUNCH begins

2:45 PM ESPbootCAMP RESTARTS is engineered for people seeking psychics to connect with Psychics. After lunch we discuss winning Executive Psychic strategies for getting up and profitable quickly on

Dave Lakhani explains how Executive Psychics can get publicity.

6 PM Break

7 PM Butterfly Marketing Birthday -
Fondue Party STARTS...

Mike Filsaime is expected to call-in. :-) If you are coming, Fondue Dinner Courses likely be $25, includes tip. You pay for your own drinks of course. Bring your cell phone to hear our toast with Mike on the bridgeline. If CAMPERS would prefer a steakhouse or Speghetti Factory please speak up quickly. Or we can simply stay in the hotel. The hotel's van is helping us, i think. Later, at the Doubletree there is Karaoke. We have access to our room all night for the drumming circle. Folks will be giving readings all over the hotel. Have fun.

ESPbootCAMP Executive Tools
9:30 AM February 1, 2009.
Please dress for a cocktail party you want to attend.

10 AM I pass out your Psychic Rapport Party Kits which includes EVERYTHING I use to produce and promote Psychic Rapport Parties.

The morning is spent reveiwing your new tools in your Psychic Rapport Party Kit. Now we learn Guerrilla Marketing Especially for Magicians, Psychics & Performing Philosophers.

Please post your comments, questions and suggestions in the comments section please...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Win $1,000 in January

$1,000 Contest
details in the comments below
and it's as easy as registering at Keen in the video.

Applied ESP... $1,000 Prize

Friday, January 2, 2009

Jeff McBride's Ritual of Liberation

I should have seen it coming. When Ben Mack told me that he could get me totally obsessed with stage magic without even performing a single trick, I had to take him up on it. Wouldn't you?

Jeff McBride magic lessons

I was even more skeptical when Ben presented me with a video magic lesson from Jeff McBride's Magic & Mystery School, which I was all too ready to dismiss. You see, Jeff presents himself as a classic Las Vegas magician, all stage smiles and goofy outfits. As it turns out, this is his foundation trick, and I've got to hand it to him: Jeff McBride nailed me. And we weren't even in the same room.

So why should I have seen it coming? Indulge me for a paragraph and I shall explain...

A few years back, I saw a truly remarkable film about rival magicians called The Prestige. It's a movie full of reality-bending, beautiful scenes and high concepts, but one small part stuck with me more than any other. Early in the plot, the two rivals go to see an old frail Chinese man perform a vanishing trick that baffles even his competition, involving the disappearance of an enormous and water-filled fishbowl. Christian Bale's character immediately sees it: the onstage performance is not the real act -- the old age and frailty are. He is carrying the fishbowl between his legs, from the moment it disappears until the moment he arrives safely at home, and can stop pretending to walk slowly, stooped over, and leaning on a cane.

Which brings me to Jeff McBride, who subverted my expectations at every turn. His posture, delivery, pacing and even his clothing is part of the act. The Ritual of Liberation is a single trick, but in demonstrating it, McBride teaches multiple lessons -- not only about magic and presentation, but also about good online business design.

Since this is a review, though, let's return the core question: Does McBrides Magic & Mystery School deliver the goods? Absolutely yes. Everything is explained clearly and demonstrated repeatedly at accessable speeds. The video is in Quicktime format, which is a free download, and Quicktime has seen massive improvements since I swore to stop using it 5 years back.

The Ritual of Liberation video comes bundled with their introductory lesson, which is an interview with Jeff McBride and Eugene Burger. Although the video could have been shorter, the live format serves as a very humanizing introduction to the two magicians. Considering what they're talking about, both of them are refreshingly free of pretension and artifice. In addition to demonstrating several simple but powerful opening tricks, both of them make a lot of fascinating points.

My favorite? "Magic is an effect without a cause," says McBride, which is the most concisely accurate definition I've seen. Rather than content himself with the "wows," though, he's been building a career using miraculous entertainment to challenge and question his audiences. "This is not just about fooling people for the best result," as he says.

Jeff McBride brings an infectious passion for both the mechanics and the art, urging students and novices alike to "practice what you enjoy." However, much like The Prestige, one small part stuck with me more than any other...

...and sure enough, Ben Mack was right: I am indeed hooked on practicing sleight of hand and studying up on stage magic in 2009. What got me? Eugene Burger said it: "magic tricks are interesting because they're inexhaustable." I have been fascinated all my life by cognitive bias -- the perceptual limitations of the human animal. Magic offers a hands-on understanding of what I've only been reading and thinking about so far.

By the way, this is Justin Boland, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all at Ben's ESP Boot Camp on the 31st. I'll be the Jesus lookalike taking notes up front.